Bunny Man Hunt #18

15 09 2007

While Empress Maruja is busy-busyhan, here’s another round of Bunny Man Hunt just for you!

Yes, my amigas, it’s that time once again to find that hot guy in a bunny costume. He has hopped in another random post and it’s up to you to find him.

The rules are simple:

1) Find the Bunny Man hiding in an old blog entry using the clues provided.
2) You can use the search and archive functions if necessary.
3) Once you have found the Bunny Man, comment on that particular post.
4) First person to spot the Bunny Man wins!

Everybody is encouraged to join. Winners, however, cannot play for three weeks.

The Bunny Man Hunt is also simulcast over at PinoyBlogosphere.Com.

Here are the clues that will lead you to the Bunny Man:

1) It is a show of fashion, yet I was blogging about it “na may asim sa mukha.”
2) It features the FIERCE and the NOT-SO-FIERCE.
3) Probably the lowest budget overseas shoot of this franchise history.

There you have it! Start hunting, mga Mare!